30 TAC §§290.38, 290.45, 290.46
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ, agency, or commission) adopts amendments to §§290.38, 290.45 and 290.46.
Amended §290.45 is adopted without changes to the proposed text as published in the August 16, 2024, issue of the Texas Register (49 TexReg 6165) and, therefore, will not be republished. Amended §290.38 and §290.46 are adopted with changes, to the proposed text in response to comment and, therefore, will be republished.
Background and Summary of the Factual Basis for the Adopted Rules
During the 88th Texas Legislature (2023), House Bill (HB) 3810, HB 4559, and Senate Bill (SB) 594 passed and require amendments to 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 290 to implement the enacted legislation.
This rulemaking reflects changes to Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC), §341.033 enacted in HB 3810, requiring nonindustrial water systems to report to the commission an unplanned condition that has caused the system to issue drinking water advisories or a boil water notice. The adopted rules provide a definition of "nonindustrial water system" and "unplanned condition" and address notification requirements.
This rulemaking reflects changes to Texas Water Code (TWC), §13.1395 enacted in HB 4559, which amended the definition of "affected utility" by changing county population. The amended population maintains the applicability of the counties required to have an Emergency Preparedness Plan (EPP) under TWC, §13.1395 or TWC, §13.1394.
This rulemaking reflects changes to THSC, §341.0315 enacted in SB 594, which requires the commission to establish equivalency values for each meter size used to serve a "recreational vehicle park", as defined by TWC, §13.087, to determine connection count. The adopted rules establish the equivalency value and establish how public water systems calculate alternatives to connection count for recreational vehicle parks that are metered customers of a public water system and have actual water usage more than 10% below the equivalency value.
Section by Section Discussion
§290.38, Definitions
The commission adopts the amendment to §290.38(3)(B) defining "affected utility," by changing the population from "550,000" to "800,000" in accordance with TWC, §13.1395 as amended by HB 4559. The amended population maintains the applicability of the counties required to have an EPP under TWC, §13.1395 or TWC, §13.1394. Specifically, the amendment maintains TWC, §13.1395 applicability to Fort Bend and Harris counties.
The commission adopts the amendment to §290.38(18), defining "connection," by adding a connection equivalency value as well as the alternative recreational vehicle park connection equivalency for recreational vehicle parks that are retail customers of public water systems. The adopted definition establishes that the number of connections for these recreational vehicle parks is calculated as the number of recreational vehicle or cabin sites divided by eight in accordance with THSC, §341.0315 as amended by SB 594.
The commission adopts the addition of §290.38(76), which defines "Recreational Vehicle" in response to public comment.
§290.45, Minimum Water System Capacity Requirements
The commission adopts new §290.45(j) to establish the process by which a public water system can calculate an alternative recreational vehicle park connection equivalency for recreational vehicle parks that are retail customers of a public water system, to coincide with the amended definition of "connection" in §290.38(18)(B) in accordance with THSC, §341.0315 as amended by SB 594. A table is provided with the Alternative Recreational Vehicle Park Connection Equivalency utilizing significant figures; the calculations are based on source capacity per connection in accordance with TAC §290.45(b) and (c) as well as the definition of maximum daily demand in §290.38.
§290.46, Minimum Acceptable Operating Practices for Public Water Systems
In accordance with THSC, §341.033 as amended by HB 3810, the commission adopts the amendment to §290.46(w) and adds new §290.46(w)(6) to require nonindustrial public water systems to provide the executive director with immediate notification of unplanned conditions resulting in water system outages that result in drinking water advisories or boil water notices and to define "nonindustrial water system" and "unplanned condition" within §290.46(w)(6) to clarify public water system types and situations, respectively.
Final Regulatory Impact Determination
The commission reviewed this rulemaking in light of the regulatory analysis requirements of Texas Government Code §2001.0225 and determined that the rulemaking is not subject to §2001.0225. A "Major environmental rule" means a rule with a specific intent to protect the environment or reduce risks to human health from environmental exposure, and that may adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, or the public health and safety of the state or a sector of the state.
First, the rulemaking does not meet the statutory definition of a "Major environmental rule" because its specific intent is not to protect the environment or reduce risks to human health from environmental exposure. The specific intent of the rulemaking is to address unplanned conditions at a nonindustrial public water system that cause an outage or issuance of drinking water advisories or boil water notices; to revise the county population in the definition of affected utility in accordance with TWC, §13.1395(a)(1), which applies to those affected utilities which need to submit emergency preparedness plans to the commission for review and approval; and to meet the legislative requirement for the commission to establish connection equivalency values for each meter size used to serve recreational vehicle parks for use in determining the number of connections served by a public water system.
Second, the rulemaking does not meet the statutory definition of a "Major environmental rule" because the rules will not adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, or the public health and safety of the state or a sector of the state. It is not anticipated that the cost of complying with the rules will be significant with respect to the economy as a whole or with respect to a sector of the economy; therefore, the amendments will not adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the economy, competition, or jobs.
Finally, the rulemaking does not meet any of the four applicability requirements for a "Major environmental rule" listed in Texas Government Code §2001.0225(a). Section §2001.0225 only applies to a major environmental rule, the result of which is to: 1) exceed a standard set by federal law, unless the rule is specifically required by state law; 2) exceed an express requirement of state law, unless the rule is specifically required by federal law; 3) exceed a requirement of a delegation agreement or contract between the state and an agency or representative of the federal government to implement a state and federal program; or 4) adopt a rule solely under the general powers of the agency instead of under a specific state law. This rulemaking does not meet any of the preceding four applicability requirements because this rulemaking: does not exceed any standard set by federal law for public water systems; does not exceed any express requirement of state law; does not exceed a requirement of a delegation agreement or contract between the state and an agency or representative of the federal government; and is not based solely under the general powers of the agency, but under THSC, §341.031 and §341.0315, which allows the commission to adopt and enforce rules related to public drinking water, as well under the general powers of the commission.
The commission invited public comment regarding the Draft Regulatory Impact Analysis Determination during the public comment period. No comments were received regarding the regulatory impact analysis determination.
Takings Impact Assessment
The commission evaluated this rulemaking and performed a preliminary assessment of whether these rules constitute a taking under Texas Government Code, Chapter §2007.
The commission adopts these rules to implement House Bills 3810, 4559 and Senate Bill 594, 88th Texas Legislative Session (2023). HB 3810 amended THSC, §341.033 by requiring nonindustrial public water systems to notify the commission when an unplanned condition caused a public water supply outage or issuance of drinking water advisories or a boil water notice. HB 4559 amended TWC, §13.1394(a)(1) by changing the county population in the definition of "affected utility." An affected utility is required to file an emergency preparedness plan with the executive director for review and approval. SB 594 amended THSC, §341.0315, which requires the commission to adopt rules establishing connection equivalency values for each retail meter size used to serve a recreational vehicle park in calculating connection counts.
The commission's analysis indicates that Texas Government Code, Chapter §2007, does not apply to these rules based upon exceptions to applicability in Texas Government Code, §2007.003(b). The rulemaking is an action that is taken to fulfill obligations mandated under state law for all of the adopted rules. The rulemaking related to emergency preparedness plans is also an action taken in response to a real and substantial threat to public health and safety, that is designed to significantly advance the public health and safety purpose, and that does not impose a greater burden than is necessary to achieve the public health and safety purpose. Texas Government Code, §2007.003(b)(4) and (13).
First, the rulemaking is an action taken to fulfill obligations under state law. The law requires actions by the commission and the regulated community when unplanned conditions at a nonindustrial public water system result in a system outage or issuance of drinking water advisories or boil water notices under THSC, §341.033; the change to the county population in the definition of "affected utility" maintains those affected utilities requirements to submit emergency preparedness plans to the commission under TWC, §13.1395(a)(1); and state law now requires the commission to promulgate rules to establish connection equivalency values for each meter size used to serve a recreational vehicle park for purposes of public water system connection counts under THSC, §341.0315. Texas Government Code, §2007.003(b)(4).
Second, the adopted rules will ensure the emergency preparedness plans are submitted by affected utilities in appropriate counties designated by the legislature. The adopted rules will significantly advance the public health and safety purpose; and do not impose a greater burden than is necessary to achieve the public health and safety purpose. These rules advance the public health and safety by ensuring appropriate governmental regulation and do so in a way that does not impose a greater burden than is necessary to achieve the public health and safety purpose. Texas Government Code, §2007.003(b)(13).
Further, the commission has determined that promulgation and enforcement of these rules will be neither a statutory nor a constitutional taking of private real property. Specifically, there are no burdens imposed on private real property under the rule because the rules neither relate to, nor have any impact on, the use or enjoyment of private real property, and there will be no reduction in property value as a result of these rules. The rules require compliance with the actions required by nonindustrial public water systems when unplanned conditions result in a system outage or issuance of drinking water advisories or boil water notices; compliance regarding submission by an affected utility to the commission of its emergency preparedness plan, which is meant to ensure public health and safety; and state law requires that connection equivalency values be established for each retail meter size used to serve a recreational vehicle park. Therefore, the rules will not constitute a taking under Texas Government Code, Chapter §2007.
Consistency with the Coastal Management Program
The commission reviewed the adopted rulemaking and found that the sections proposed for amendments are neither identified in Coastal Coordination Act implementation rules, 31 TAC §505.11(b)(2) or (4), nor will the amendments affect any action or authorization identified in Coastal Coordination Act implementation rules, 31 TAC §505.11(a)(6). Therefore, the adopted rulemaking is not subject to the Texas Coastal Management Program.
The commission invited public comment regarding the consistency with the coastal management program during the public comment period. No comments were received regarding the Coastal Management Program.
Public Comment
The commission held a public hearing on Thursday, September 12, 2024. No oral comments were received at the public hearing. The comment period closed on Tuesday, September 17, 2024. The commission received timely comments on the proposed Chapter 290 rules from Texas Rural Water Association (TRWA).
Response to Comments
Comment 1
TRWA expressed appreciation for being a partner with the commission in the rulemaking process and offered changes to the proposed rule language. TRWA indicated that SB 594 and HB 3810 had been confusing for some public water systems and TRWA believed some of the language proposing to implement these bills was ambiguous.
Response 1
The commission acknowledges this comment.
Comment 2
TRWA commented that §290.45(j) did not define "cabin," as used in SB 594 and asked whether "cabin" includes "tiny homes." TRWA provided a suggested definition of "cabin". TRWA commented that the proposed rules also do not define "recreational vehicle (RV)" or "recreational vehicle park (RV Park)," TRWA suggested that the commission adopt the same definitions of RV and RV park as used by the Texas Public Utility Commission.
Response 2
The commission does not agree that §290.45(j) needs to include the definition for "recreational vehicle park" (RV Park) or "cabin" as suggested by TRWA because proposed §290.38(18)(B) references TWC §13.087(a)(3), which defines RV Park, therefore the proposed rules are consistent with statutory definitions. The commission agrees that defining "recreational vehicle" would provide regulatory clarity to the rule and has added a new definition, §290.38(76), based on TWC §13.087(a)(2). The commission does not believe that a definition of "cabin" is necessary because TCEQ rules referring to transient accommodation units do not include a comprehensive list of accommodation units nor do they define specific accommodation units, such as hotel rooms or campsites. Cabins should be considered as "similar accommodations" to the transient accommodation units listed in 30 TAC §290.45(c). If the regulated community continues to express confusion regarding cabins and tiny homes as described by TRWA, the commission can clarify the issue through regulatory guidance.
Comment 3
The TRWA commented that the proposed changes to §290.46(w)(6) appear broader than what is required by HB 3810. TRWA suggests the commission revise the proposed rule by adding definitions for "do-not-use advisory" and "do-not-consume advisory." TRWA suggests that the reference to §290.47(e) in the proposed rule be replaced with reference to §290.46(q) because §290.47(e) addresses only boil water notices while §290.46(q) addresses special precautions.
Response 3
The commission does not agree that proposed §290.46(w)(6) is broader than HB 3810, however, to improve clarity the commission is revising 290.46(w) to include "do-not-use advisory" and "do-not-consume advisory" to be consistent with the statute. The commission does not agree that the rule should reference §290.46(q) in place of §290.47(e), because the flow diagram referenced by §290.47(e) specifically addresses outages and boil water notices associated with a loss of pressure. Proposed §290.46(w)(6) provides nonindustrial public water systems a framework to determine when they need to submit immediate notification and adequately implements HB 3810.
Statutory Authority
The rulemaking is adopted under Texas Water Code (TWC) §5.013, which establishes the general jurisdiction of the commission; TWC §5.102, which establishes the commission's general authority to perform any act necessary to carry out its jurisdiction; TWC §5.103 and TWC §5.105, which establish the commission's authority to adopt any rules necessary to carry out its powers and duties; Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC) §341.031, which requires drinking water supplies to meet standards established by the commission; and THSC §341.0315, which requires public drinking water systems to comply with commission standards established to ensure the supply of safe drinking water.
The rulemaking adoption implements legislation enacted by the 88th Texas Legislature in 2023: THSC, §341.033 in House Bill (HB) 3810; TWC, §13.1395(a)(1) in HB 4559; and THSC, §341.0315 in Senate Bill 594.
The following words and terms, when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. If a word or term used in this chapter is not contained in the following list, its definition shall be as shown in 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §141.2. Other technical terms used shall have the meanings or definitions listed in the latest edition of The Water Dictionary: A Comprehensive Reference of Water Terminology, prepared by the American Water Works Association.
(1) Accredited laboratory - A laboratory accredited by the executive director to analyze drinking water samples to determine compliance with maximum contaminant levels, action levels, and microbial contaminants in accordance with §290.119 of this title (relating to Analytical Procedures).
(2) Adverse Weather Conditions - Any significant temperature, wind velocity, accumulation of precipitation including drought, or other weather pattern that may trigger the issuance of a national weather service watch, advisory, or warning.
(3) Affected utility -
(A) A retail public utility (§291.3 of this title (relating to Definitions of Terms)), exempt utility (§291.103 of this title (relating to Certificates Not Required)), or provider or conveyor of potable or raw water service that furnishes water service to more than one customer is an affected utility as defined in TWC §13.1394; or
(B) A retail public utility (§291.3 of this title (relating to Definitions of Terms)), exempt utility (§291.103 of this title (relating to Certificates Not Required)), or provider or conveyor of potable or raw water service that furnishes water service to more than one customer is an affected utility, as defined in TWC §13.1395, in a county with a population of:
(i) 3.3 million or more; or
(ii) 800,000 or more adjacent to a county with a population of 3.3 million or more.
(4) Air gap--The unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere between the lowest opening from any pipe or faucet conveying water to a tank, fixture, receptor, sink, or other assembly and the flood level rim of the receptacle. The vertical, physical separation must be at least twice the diameter of the water supply outlet, but never less than 1.0 inch.
(5) American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards--The standards of the American National Standards Institute, Inc.
(6) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) standards--The standards of the ASME.
(7) American Water Works Association (AWWA) standards--The latest edition of the applicable standards as approved and published by the AWWA.
(8) Approved laboratory--A laboratory approved by the executive director to analyze water samples to determine their compliance with treatment technique requirements and maximum or minimum allowable constituent levels in accordance with §290.119 of this title (relating to Analytical Procedures).
(9) ASTM International standards--The standards of ASTM International (formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials).
(10) Auxiliary power--Either mechanical power or electric generators which can enable the system to provide water under pressure to the distribution system in the event of a local power failure. With the approval of the executive director, dual primary electric service may be considered as auxiliary power in areas which are not subject to large scale power outages due to natural disasters.
(11) Bag filter--Pressure-driven separation device that removes particulate matter larger than 1 micrometer using an engineered porous filtration media. They are typically constructed of a non-rigid, fabric filtration media housed in a pressure vessel in which the direction of flow is from the inside of the bag to the outside.
(12) Baseline performance--In reference to a membrane treatment facility, the detailed assessment of observed operational conditions at the time the membrane facility is placed in service for the purpose of tracking changes over time and determining when maintenance or service is required. Examples of parameters where baseline performance data is collected include: net driving pressure, normalized permeate flow, salt rejection, and salt passage.
(13) Cartridge filter--Pressure-driven separation device that removes particulate matter larger than 1 micrometer using an engineered porous filtration media. They are typically constructed as rigid or semi-rigid, self-supporting filter elements housed in pressure vessels in which flow is from the outside of the cartridge to the inside.
(14) Certified laboratory--A laboratory certified by the commission to analyze water samples to determine their compliance with maximum allowable constituent levels. After June 30, 2008, laboratories must be accredited, not certified, in order to perform sample analyses previously performed by certified laboratories.
(15) Challenge test--A study conducted to determine the removal efficiency (log removal value) of a device for a particular organism, particulate, or surrogate.
(16) Chemical disinfectant--Any oxidant, including but not limited to chlorine, chlorine dioxide, chloramines, and ozone added to the water in any part of the treatment or distribution process, that is intended to kill or inactivate pathogenic microorganisms.
(17) Community water system--A public water system which has a potential to serve at least 15 residential service connections on a year-round basis or serves at least 25 residents on a year-round basis.
(18) Connection--A single family residential unit or each commercial or industrial establishment to which drinking water is supplied from the system. As an example, the number of service connections in an apartment complex would be equal to the number of individual apartment units. When enough data is not available to accurately determine the number of connections to be served or being served, the population served divided by three will be used as the number of connections for calculating system capacity requirements. Conversely, if only the number of connections is known, the connection total multiplied by three will be the number used for population served. For the purposes of this definition:
(A) a dwelling or business which is connected to a system that delivers water by a constructed conveyance other than a pipe shall not be considered a connection if:
(i) the water is used exclusively for purposes other than those defined as human consumption (see human consumption);
(ii) the executive director determines that alternative water to achieve the equivalent level of public health protection provided by the drinking water standards is provided for residential or similar human consumption, including, but not limited to, drinking and cooking; or
(iii) the executive director determines that the water provided for residential or similar human consumption is centrally treated or is treated at the point of entry by a provider, a pass through entity, or the user to achieve the equivalent level of protection provided by the drinking water standards.
(B) For a recreational vehicle park, as defined by Texas Water Code, §13.087(a)(3), that is a retail customer of a public water system, the number of connections shall be calculated as:
(i) the number of recreational vehicle sites or cabin sites, whether occupied or not, divided by eight; or
(ii) the number of recreational vehicle sites or cabin sites, whether occupied or not, divided by the alternative recreational vehicle park connection equivalency specified in §290.45(j) of this title (relating to Minimum Water System Capacity Requirements).
(19) Contamination--The presence of any foreign substance (organic, inorganic, radiological, or biological) in water which tends to degrade its quality so as to constitute a health hazard or impair the usefulness of the water.
(20) Cross-connection--A physical connection between a public water system and either another supply of unknown or questionable quality, any source which may contain contaminating or polluting substances, or any source of water treated to a lesser degree in the treatment process.
(21) Direct integrity test--A physical test applied to a membrane unit in order to identify and isolate integrity breaches/leaks that could result in contamination of the filtrate.
(22) Disinfectant--A chemical or a treatment which is intended to kill or inactivate pathogenic microorganisms in water.
(23) Disinfection--A process which inactivates pathogenic organisms in the water by chemical oxidants or equivalent agents.
(24) Distribution system--A system of pipes that conveys potable water from a treatment plant to the consumers. The term includes pump stations, ground and elevated storage tanks, potable water mains, and potable water service lines and all associated valves, fittings, and meters, but excludes potable water customer service lines.
(25) Drinking water--All water distributed by any agency or individual, public or private, for the purpose of human consumption or which may be used in the preparation of foods or beverages or for the cleaning of any utensil or article used in the course of preparation or consumption of food or beverages for human beings. The term "drinking water" shall also include all water supplied for human consumption or used by any institution catering to the public.
(26) Drinking water standards--The commission rules covering drinking water standards in Subchapter F of this chapter (relating to Drinking Water Standards Governing Drinking Water Quality and Reporting Requirements for Public Water Systems).
(27) Elevated storage capacity--That portion of water which can be stored at least 80 feet above the highest service connection in the pressure plane served by the storage tank.
(28) Emergency operations--The operation of an affected utility during an extended power outage at a minimum water pressure of 20 pounds per square inch (psi) or a pressure approved by the executive director as required under TWC §13.1394 and 35 psi as required under TWC §13.1395.
(29) Emergency power--Either mechanical power or electric generators which can enable the system to provide water under pressure to the distribution system in the event of a local power failure. With the approval of the executive director, dual primary electric service may be considered as emergency power in areas which are not subject to large scale power outages due to natural disasters.
(30) Extended power outage--A power outage lasting for more than 24 hours.
(31) Filtrate--The water produced from a filtration process; typically used to describe the water produced by filter processes such as membranes.
(32) Flux--The throughput of a pressure-driven membrane filtration system expressed as flow per unit of membrane area. For example, gallons per square foot per day or liters per hour per square meter.
(33) Grantee--For purposes of this chapter, any person receiving an ownership interest in a public water system, whether by sale, transfer, descent, probate, or otherwise.
(34) Grantor--For purposes of this chapter, any person who conveys an ownership interest in a public water system, whether by sale, transfer, descent, probate, or otherwise.
(35) Groundwater--Any water that is located beneath the surface of the ground and is not under the direct influence of surface water.
(36) Groundwater under the direct influence of surface water--Any water beneath the surface of the ground with:
(A) significant occurrence of insects or other macroorganisms, algae, or large-diameter pathogens such as Giardia lamblia or Cryptosporidium;
(B) significant and relatively rapid shifts in water characteristics such as turbidity, temperature, conductivity, or pH which closely correlate to climatological or surface water conditions; or
(C) site-specific characteristics including measurements of water quality parameters, well construction details, existing geological attributes, and other features that are similar to groundwater sources that have been identified by the executive director as being under the direct influence of surface water.
(37) Health hazard--A cross-connection, potential contamination hazard, or other situation involving any substance that can cause death, illness, spread of disease, or has a high probability of causing such effects if introduced into the potable drinking water supply.
(38) Human consumption--Uses by humans in which water can be ingested into or absorbed by the human body. Examples of these uses include, but are not limited to drinking, cooking, brushing teeth, bathing, washing hands, washing dishes, and preparing foods.
(39) Indirect integrity monitoring--The monitoring of some aspect of filtrate water quality, such as turbidity, that is indicative of the removal of particulate matter.
(40) Innovative/alternate treatment--Any treatment process that does not have specific design requirements in §290.42(a) - (f) of this title (relating to Water Treatment).
(41) Interconnection--A physical connection between two public water supply systems.
(42) International Fire Code (IFC)--The standards of the International Code Council.
(43) Intruder-resistant fence--A fence six feet or greater in height, constructed of wood, concrete, masonry, or metal with three strands of barbed wire extending outward from the top of the fence at a 45 degree angle with the smooth side of the fence on the outside wall. In lieu of the barbed wire, the fence must be eight feet in height. The fence must be in good repair and close enough to surface grade to prevent intruder passage.
(44) L/d ratio--The dimensionless value that is obtained by dividing the length (depth) of a granular media filter bed by the weighted effective diameter "d" of the filter media. The weighted effective diameter of the media is calculated based on the percentage of the total bed depth contributed by each media layer.
(45) Licensed professional engineer--An engineer who maintains a current license through the Texas Board of Professional Engineers in accordance with its requirements for professional practice.
(46) Log removal value (LRV)--Removal efficiency for a target organism, particulate, or surrogate expressed as log10 (i.e., log10 (feed concentration) - log10 (filtrate concentration)).
(47) Maximum contaminant level (MCL)--The MCL for a specific contaminant is defined in the section relating to that contaminant.
(48) Maximum daily demand--In the absence of verified historical data or in cases where a public water system has imposed mandatory water use restrictions within the past 36 months, maximum daily demand means 2.4 times the average daily demand of the system.
(49) Membrane filtration--A pressure or vacuum driven separation process in which particulate matter larger than one micrometer is rejected by an engineered barrier, primarily through a size-exclusion mechanism, and which has a measurable removal efficiency of a target organism that can be verified through the application of a direct integrity test; includes the following common membrane classifications microfiltration (MF), ultrafiltration (UF), nanofiltration (NF), and reverse osmosis (RO), as well as any "membrane cartridge filtration" (MCF) device that satisfies this definition.
(50) Membrane LRVC-Test --The number that reflects the removal efficiency of the membrane filtration process demonstrated during challenge testing. The value is based on the entire set of log removal values (LRVs) obtained during challenge testing, with one representative LRV established per module tested.
(51) Membrane module--The smallest component of a membrane unit in which a specific membrane surface area is housed in a device with a filtrate outlet structure.
(52) Membrane sensitivity--The maximum log removal value that can be reliably verified by a direct integrity test.
(53) Membrane unit--A group of membrane modules that share common valving, which allows the unit to be isolated from the rest of the system for the purpose of integrity testing or other maintenance.
(54) Milligrams per liter (mg/L)--A measure of concentration, equivalent to and replacing parts per million in the case of dilute solutions.
(55) Monthly reports of water works operations--The daily record of data relating to the operation of the system facilities compiled in a monthly report.
(56) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards--The standards of the NFPA.
(57) NSF International--The organization and the standards, certifications, and listings developed by NSF International (formerly known as the National Sanitation Foundation) related to drinking water.
(58) Noncommunity water system--Any public water system which is not a community system.
(59) Nonhealth hazard--A cross-connection, potential contamination hazard, or other situation involving any substance that generally will not be a health hazard, but will constitute a nuisance, or be aesthetically objectionable, if introduced into the public water supply.
(60) Nontransient, noncommunity water system--A public water system that is not a community water system and regularly serves at least 25 of the same persons at least six months out of the year.
(61) Pass--In reference to a reverse osmosis or nanofiltration membrane system, stages of pressure vessels in series in which the permeate from one stage is further processed in a following stage.
(62) Peak hourly demand--In the absence of verified historical data, peak hourly demand means 1.25 times the maximum daily demand (prorated to an hourly rate) if a public water supply meets the commission's minimum requirements for elevated storage capacity and 1.85 times the maximum daily demand (prorated to an hourly rate) if the system uses pressure tanks or fails to meet the commission's minimum elevated storage capacity requirement.
(63) Plumbing inspector--Any person employed by a political subdivision for the purpose of inspecting plumbing work and installations in connection with health and safety laws and ordinances, who has no financial or advisory interest in any plumbing company, and who has successfully fulfilled the examinations and requirements of the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners.
(64) Plumbing ordinance--A set of rules governing plumbing practices which is at least as stringent and comprehensive as one of the following nationally recognized codes:
(A) the International Plumbing Code; or
(B) the Uniform Plumbing Code.
(65) Potable water customer service line--The sections of potable water pipe between the customer's meter and the customer's point of use.
(66) Potable water main--A pipe or enclosed constructed conveyance operated by a public water system which is used for the transmission or distribution of drinking water to a potable water service line.
(67) Potable water service line--The section of pipe between the potable water main and the customer's side of the water meter. In cases where no customer water meter exists, it is the section of pipe that is under the ownership and control of the public water system.
(68) Potential contamination hazard--A condition which, by its location, piping or configuration, has a reasonable probability of being used incorrectly, through carelessness, ignorance, or negligence, to create or cause to be created a backflow condition by which contamination can be introduced into the water supply. Examples of potential contamination hazards are:
(A) bypass arrangements;
(B) jumper connections;
(C) removable sections or spools; and
(D) swivel or changeover assemblies.
(69) Process control duties--Activities that directly affect the potability of public drinking water, including: making decisions regarding the day-to-day operations and maintenance of public water system production and distribution; maintaining system pressures; determining the adequacy of disinfection and disinfection procedures; taking routine microbiological samples; taking chlorine residuals and microbiological samples after repairs or installation of lines or appurtenances; and operating chemical feed systems, filtration, disinfection, or pressure maintenance equipment; or performing other duties approved by the executive director.
(70) psi--Pounds per square inch.
(71) Public drinking water program--Agency staff designated by the executive director to administer the Safe Drinking Water Act and state statutes related to the regulation of public drinking water. Any report required to be submitted in this chapter to the executive director must be submitted to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Water Supply Division, MC 155, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087.
(72) Public health engineering practices--Requirements in this chapter or guidelines promulgated by the executive director.
(73) Public water system--A system for the provision to the public of water for human consumption through pipes or other constructed conveyances, which includes all uses described under the definition for drinking water. Such a system must have at least 15 service connections or serve at least 25 individuals at least 60 days out of the year. This term includes: any collection, treatment, storage, and distribution facilities under the control of the operator of such system and used primarily in connection with such system, and any collection or pretreatment storage facilities not under such control which are used primarily in connection with such system. Two or more systems with each having a potential to serve less than 15 connections or less than 25 individuals but owned by the same person, firm, or corporation and located on adjacent land will be considered a public water system when the total potential service connections in the combined systems are 15 or greater or if the total number of individuals served by the combined systems total 25 or greater at least 60 days out of the year. Without excluding other meanings of the terms "individual" or "served," an individual shall be deemed to be served by a water system if he lives in, uses as his place of employment, or works in a place to which drinking water is supplied from the system.
(74) Quality Control Release Value (QCRV)--A minimum quality standard of a non-destructive performance test established by the manufacturer for membrane module production that ensures that the module will attain the targeted log removal value demonstrated during challenge testing.
(75) Reactor Validation Testing--A process by which a full-scale ultraviolet (UV) reactor's disinfection performance is determined relative to operating parameters that can be monitored. These parameters include flow rate, UV intensity as measured by a UV sensor and the UV lamp status.
(76) Recreational Vehicle--A recreational vehicle as defined in Tex. Water Code §13.087(a)(2), which is incorporated by reference as if fully set forth.
(77) Resolution--The size of the smallest integrity breach that contributes to a response from a direct integrity test in membranes used to treat surface water or groundwater under the direct influence of surface water.
(78) Sanitary control easement--A legally binding document securing all land, within 150 feet of a public water supply well location, from pollution hazards. This document must fully describe the location of the well and surrounding lands and must be filed in the county records to be legally binding. For an example, see commission Form 20698.
(79) Sanitary survey--An onsite review of a public water system's adequacy for producing and distributing safe drinking water by evaluating the following elements: water source; treatment; distribution system; finished water storage; pump, pump facilities, and controls; monitoring, reporting, and data verification; system management, operation and maintenance; and operator compliance.
(80) Service line--A pipe connecting the utility service provider's main and the water meter, or for wastewater, connecting the main and the point at which the customer's service line is connected, generally at the customer's property line.
(81) Service pump--Any pump that takes treated water from storage and discharges to the distribution system.
(82) Significant deficiency--Significant deficiencies cause, or have the potential to cause, the introduction of contamination into water delivered to customers. This may include defects in design, operation, or maintenance of the source, treatment, storage, or distribution systems.
(83) Stage--In reference to a reverse osmosis or nanofiltration membrane system, a set of pressure vessels installed in parallel.
(84) System--Public water system as defined in this section unless otherwise modified (i.e., distribution system).
(85) Transfer pump--Any pump which conveys water from one point to another within the treatment process or which conveys water to storage facilities prior to distribution.
(86) Transient, noncommunity water system--A public water system that is not a community water system and serves at least 25 persons at least 60 days out of the year, yet by its characteristics, does not meet the definition of a nontransient, noncommunity water system.
(87) Vessel--In reference to a reverse osmosis or nanofiltration membrane system, a cylindrical housing unit where membrane modules are placed in a series to form one unit.
(88) Wastewater lateral--Any pipe or constructed conveyance carrying wastewater, running laterally down a street, alley, or easement, and receiving flow only from the abutting properties.
(89) Wastewater main--Any pipe or constructed conveyance which receives flow from one or more wastewater laterals.
(90) Water system--Public water system as defined in this section unless otherwise modified (i.e., distribution system).
§290.46.Minimum Acceptable Operating Practices for Public Drinking Water Systems.
(a) General. When a public drinking water supply system is to be established, plans shall be submitted to the executive director for review and approval prior to the construction of the system. All public water systems are to be constructed in conformance with the requirements of this subchapter and maintained and operated in accordance with the following minimum acceptable operating practices. Owners and operators shall allow entry to members of the commission and employees and agents of the commission onto any public or private property at any reasonable time for the purpose of inspecting and investigating conditions relating to public water systems in the state including the required elements of a sanitary survey as defined in §290.38 of this title (relating to Definitions). Members, employees, or agents acting under this authority shall observe the establishment's rules and regulations concerning safety, internal security, and fire protection, and if the property has management in residence, shall notify management or the person then in charge of his presence and shall exhibit proper credentials.
(b) Microbiological. Submission of samples for microbiological analysis shall be as required by Subchapter F of this chapter (relating to Drinking Water Standards Governing Drinking Water Quality and Reporting Requirements for Public Water Systems). Microbiological samples may be required by the executive director for monitoring purposes in addition to the routine samples required by the drinking water standards. These samples shall be submitted to an accredited laboratory. (A list of the accredited laboratories can be obtained by contacting the executive director.) The samples shall be submitted to the executive director in a manner prescribed by the executive director.
(c) Chemical. Samples for chemical analysis shall be submitted as directed by the executive director.
(d) Disinfectant residuals and monitoring. A disinfectant residual must be continuously maintained during the treatment process and throughout the distribution system.
(1) Disinfection equipment shall be operated and monitored in a manner that will assure compliance with the requirements of §290.110 of this title (relating to Disinfectant Residuals).
(2) The disinfection equipment shall be operated to maintain the following minimum disinfectant residuals in each finished water storage tank and throughout the distribution system at all times:
(A) a free chlorine residual of 0.2 milligrams per liter (mg/L); or
(B) a chloramine residual of 0.5 mg/L (measured as total chlorine) for those systems that distribute chloraminated water.
(e) Operation by trained and licensed personnel. Except as provided in paragraph (1) of this subsection, the production, treatment, and distribution facilities at the public water system must be operated at all times under the direct supervision of a water works operator who holds an applicable, valid license issued by the executive director. Except as provided in paragraph (1) of this subsection, all public water systems must use a water works operator who holds an applicable, valid license issued by the executive director to meet the requirements of this subsection. The licensed operator of a public water system may be an employee, contractor, or volunteer.
(1) Transient, noncommunity public water systems are exempt from the requirements of this subsection if they use only groundwater or purchase treated water from another public water system.
(2) All public water systems that are subject to the provisions of this subsection shall meet the following requirements.
(A) Public water systems shall not allow new or repaired production, treatment, storage, pressure maintenance, or distribution facilities to be placed into service without the prior guidance and approval of a licensed water works operator.
(B) Public water systems shall ensure that their operators are trained regarding the use of all chemicals used in the water treatment plant. Training programs shall meet applicable standards established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration or the Texas Hazard Communication Act, Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 502.
(C) Public water systems using chlorine dioxide shall place the operation of the chlorine dioxide facilities under the direct supervision of a licensed operator who has a Class "C" or higher license.
(D) Effective September 1, 2016, reverse osmosis or nanofiltration membrane systems must have operators that have successfully completed at least one executive director-approved training course or event specific to the operations and maintenance of reverse osmosis or nanofiltration membrane treatment.
(3) Systems that only purchase treated water shall meet the following requirements in addition to the requirements contained in paragraph (2) of this subsection.
(A) Purchased water systems serving no more than 250 connections must use an operator who holds a Class "D" or higher license.
(B) Purchased water systems serving more than 250 connections, but no more than 1,000 connections, must use an operator who holds a Class "C" or higher license.
(C) Purchased water systems serving more than 1,000 connections must use at least two operators who hold a Class "C" or higher license and who each work at least 16 hours per month at the public water system's treatment or distribution facilities.
(4) Systems that treat groundwater and do not treat surface water or groundwater that is under the direct influence of surface water shall meet the following requirements in addition to the requirements contained in paragraph (2) of this subsection.
(A) Groundwater systems serving no more than 250 connections must use an operator with a Class "D" or higher license.
(B) Groundwater systems serving more than 250 connections, but no more than 1,000 connections, must use an operator with a Class "C" or higher groundwater license.
(C) Groundwater systems serving more than 1,000 connections must use at least two operators who hold a Class "C" or higher groundwater license and who each work at least 16 hours per month at the public water system's production, treatment, or distribution facilities.
(5) Systems that treat groundwater that is under the direct influence of surface water must meet the following requirements in addition to the requirements contained in paragraph (2) of this subsection.
(A) Systems which serve no more than 1,000 connections and utilize cartridge or membrane filters must use an operator who holds a Class "C" or higher groundwater license and has completed a four-hour training course on monitoring and reporting requirements or who holds a Class "C" or higher surface water license and has completed the Groundwater Production course.
(B) Systems which serve more than 1,000 connections and utilize cartridge or membrane filters must use at least two operators who meet the requirements of subparagraph (A) of this paragraph and who each work at least 24 hours per month at the public water system's production, treatment, or distribution facilities.
(C) Systems which serve no more than 1,000 connections and utilize coagulant addition and direct filtration must use an operator who holds a Class "C" or higher surface water license and has completed the Groundwater Production course or who holds a Class "C" or higher groundwater license and has completed a Surface Water Production course. Effective January 1, 2007, the public water system must use at least one operator who has completed the Surface Water Production I course and the Surface Water Production II course.
(D) Systems which serve more than 1,000 connections and utilize coagulant addition and direct filtration must use at least two operators who meet the requirements of subparagraph (C) of this paragraph and who each work at least 24 hours per month at the public water system's production, treatment, or distribution facilities. Effective January 1, 2007, the public water system must use at least two operators who have completed the Surface Water Production I course and the Surface Water Production II course.
(E) Systems which utilize complete surface water treatment must comply with the requirements of paragraph (6) of this subsection.
(F) Each plant must have at least one Class "C" or higher operator on duty at the plant when it is in operation or the plant must be provided with continuous turbidity and disinfectant residual monitors with automatic plant shutdown and alarms to summon operators so as to ensure that the water produced continues to meet the commission's drinking water standards during periods when the plant is not staffed.
(6) Systems that treat surface water must meet the following requirements in addition to the requirements contained in paragraph (2) of this subsection.
(A) Surface water systems that serve no more than 1,000 connections must use at least one operator who holds a Class "B" or higher surface water license. Part-time operators may be used to meet the requirements of this subparagraph if the operator is completely familiar with the design and operation of the plant and spends at least four consecutive hours at the plant at least once every 14 days and the system also uses an operator who holds a Class "C" or higher surface water license. Effective January 1, 2007, the public water system must use at least one operator who has completed the Surface Water Production I course and the Surface Water Production II course.
(B) Surface water systems that serve more than 1,000 connections must use at least two operators; one of the required operators must hold a Class "B" or higher surface water license and the other required operator must hold a Class "C" or higher surface water license. Each of the required operators must work at least 32 hours per month at the public water system's production, treatment, or distribution facilities. Effective January 1, 2007, the public water system must use at least two operators who have completed the Surface Water Production I course and the Surface Water Production II course.
(C) Each surface water treatment plant must have at least one Class "C" or higher surface water operator on duty at the plant when it is in operation or the plant must be provided with continuous turbidity and disinfectant residual monitors with automatic plant shutdown and alarms to summon operators so as to ensure that the water produced continues to meet the commission's drinking water standards during periods when the plant is not staffed.
(D) Public water systems shall not allow Class "D" operators to adjust or modify the treatment processes at surface water treatment plant unless an operator who holds a Class "C" or higher surface license is present at the plant and has issued specific instructions regarding the proposed adjustment.
(f) Operating records and reports. All public water systems must maintain a record of water works operation and maintenance activities and submit periodic operating reports.
(1) The public water system's operating records must be organized, and copies must be kept on file or stored electronically.
(2) The public water system's operating records must be accessible for review during inspections and be available to the executive director upon request.
(3) All public water systems shall maintain a record of operations.
(A) The following records shall be retained for at least two years:
(i) the amount of chemicals used:
(I) Systems that treat surface water or groundwater under the direct influence of surface water shall maintain a record of the amount of each chemical used each day.
(II) Systems that serve 250 or more connections or serve 750 or more people shall maintain a record of the amount of each chemical used each day.
(III) Systems that serve fewer than 250 connections, serve fewer than 750 people, and use only groundwater or purchased treated water shall maintain a record of the amount of each chemical used each week;
(ii) the volume of water treated and distributed:
(I) Systems that treat surface water or groundwater under the direct influence of surface water shall maintain a record of the amount of water treated and distributed each day.
(II) Systems that serve 250 or more connections or serve 750 or more people shall maintain a record of the amount of water distributed each day.
(III) Systems that serve fewer than 250 connections, serve fewer than 750 people, and use only groundwater or purchase treated water shall maintain a record of the amount of water distributed each week.
(IV) Systems that serve 250 or more connections or serve 750 or more people and also add chemicals or provide pathogen or chemical removal shall maintain a record of the amount of water treated each day.
(V) Systems that serve fewer than 250 connections, serve fewer than 750 people, use only groundwater or purchase treated water, and also add chemicals or provide pathogen or chemical removal shall maintain a record of the amount of water treated each week;
(iii) the date, location, and nature of water quality, pressure, or outage complaints received by the system and the results of any subsequent complaint investigation;
(iv) the dates that dead-end mains were flushed;
(v) the dates that storage tanks and other facilities were cleaned;
(vi) the maintenance records for water system equipment and facilities. For systems using reverse osmosis or nanofiltration, maintain records of each clean-in-place process including the date, duration, and procedure used for each event;
(vii) for systems that do not employ full-time operators to meet the requirements of subsection (e) of this section, a daily record or a monthly summary of the work performed and the number of hours worked by each of the part-time operators used to meet the requirements of subsection (e) of this section; and
(viii) the owner or manager of a public water system that is operated by a volunteer to meet the requirements of subsection (e) of this section, shall maintain a record of each volunteer operator indicating the name of the volunteer, contact information for the volunteer, and the time period for which the volunteer is responsible for operating the public water system. These requirements apply to full-time and part-time licensed volunteer operators. Part-time licensed volunteer operators are excluded from the requirements of clause (vii) of this subparagraph.
(B) The following records shall be retained for at least three years:
(i) copies of notices of violation and any resulting corrective actions. The records of the actions taken to correct violations of primary drinking water regulations must be retained for at least three years after the last action taken with respect to the particular violation involved;
(ii) copies of any public notice issued by the water system;
(iii) the disinfectant residual monitoring results from the distribution system;
(iv) the calibration records for laboratory equipment, flow meters, rate-of-flow controllers, on-line turbidimeters, and on-line disinfectant residual analyzers;
(v) the records of backflow prevention device programs;
(vi) the raw surface water monitoring results and source water monitoring plans required by §290.111 of this title (relating to Surface Water Treatment) must be retained for three years after bin classification required by §290.111 of this title;
(vii) notification to the executive director that a system will provide 5.5-log Cryptosporidium treatment in lieu of raw surface water monitoring;
(viii) except for those specified in subparagraphs (C)(iv) and (E)(i) of this paragraph, the results of all surface water treatment monitoring that are used to demonstrate log inactivation or removal;
(ix) free and total chlorine, monochloramine, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate monitoring results if chloramines are used in the water system; and
(x) the records of treatment effectiveness monitoring for systems using reverse osmosis or nanofiltration membranes. Treatment effectiveness monitoring includes the parameters for determining when maintenance is required. Examples of parameters to be monitored include conductivity (or total dissolved solids) on each membrane unit, pressure differential across a membrane vessel, flow, flux, and water temperature. At a minimum, systems using reverse osmosis or nanofiltration membranes must monitor the conductivity (or total dissolved solids) of the feed and permeate water once per day.
(C) The following records shall be retained for a period of five years after they are no longer in effect:
(i) the records concerning a variance or exemption granted to the system;
(ii) Concentration Time (CT) studies for surface water treatment plants;
(iii) the Recycling Practices Report form and other records pertaining to site-specific recycle practices for treatment plants that recycle; and
(iv) the turbidity monitoring results and exception reports for individual filters as required by §290.111 of this title.
(D) The following records shall be retained for at least five years:
(i) the results of microbiological analyses;
(ii) the results of inspections (as required in subsection (m)(1) of this section) for all water storage and pressure maintenance facilities;
(iii) the results of inspections (as required by subsection (m)(2) of this section) for all pressure filters;
(iv) documentation of compliance with state approved corrective action plan and schedules required to be completed by groundwater systems that must take corrective actions;
(v) documentation of the reason for an invalidated fecal indicator source sample and documentation of a total coliform-positive sample collected at a location with conditions that could cause such positive samples in a distribution system;
(vi) notification to wholesale system(s) of a distribution coliform-positive sample for consecutive systems using groundwater;
(vii) Consumer Confidence Report compliance documentation;
(viii) records of the lowest daily residual disinfectant concentration and records of the date and duration of any failure to maintain the executive director-approved minimum specified disinfectant residual for a period of more than four hours for groundwater systems providing 4-log treatment;
(ix) records of executive director-specified compliance requirements for membrane filtration, records of parameters specified by the executive director for approved alternative treatment and records of the date and duration of any failure to meet the membrane operating, membrane integrity, or alternative treatment operating requirements for more than four hours for groundwater systems. Membrane filtration can only be used if it is approved by the executive director and if it can be properly validated;
(x) assessment forms, regardless of who conducts the assessment, and documentation of corrective actions completed or documentation of corrective actions required but not yet completed as a result of those assessments and any other available summary documentation of the sanitary defects and corrective actions taken in accordance with §290.109 of this title (relating to Microbial Contaminants) for executive director review;
(xi) seasonal public water systems shall maintain executive director-approved start-up procedures and certification documentation in accordance with §290.109 of this title for executive director review; and
(xii) records of any repeat sample taken that meets the criteria for an extension of the 24-hour period for collecting repeat samples under §290.109 of this title.
(E) The following records shall be retained for at least ten years:
(i) copies of Monthly Operating Reports and any supporting documentation including turbidity monitoring results of the combined filter effluent;
(ii) the results of chemical analyses;
(iii) any written reports, summaries, or communications relating to sanitary surveys of the system conducted by the system itself, by a private consultant, or by the executive director shall be kept for a period not less than ten years after completion of the survey involved;
(iv) copies of the Customer Service Inspection reports required by subsection (j) of this section;
(v) copy of any Initial Distribution System Evaluation (IDSE) plan, report, approval letters, and other compliance documentation required by §290.115 of this title (relating to Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts (TTHM and HAA5));
(vi) state notification of any modifications to an IDSE report;
(vii) copy of any 40/30 certification required by §290.115 of this title;
(viii) documentation of corrective actions taken by groundwater systems in accordance with §290.116 of this title (relating to Groundwater Corrective Actions and Treatment Techniques);
(ix) any Sample Siting Plans required by §290.109(d)(6) of this title and monitoring plans required by §290.121(b) of this title (relating to Monitoring Plans); and
(x) records of the executive director-approved minimum specified disinfectant residual and executive director-approved membrane system integrity monitoring results for groundwater systems providing 4-log treatment, including wholesale, and consecutive systems, regulated under §290.116(c) of this title.
(F) A public water system shall maintain records relating to lead and copper requirements under §290.117 of this title (relating to Regulation of Lead and Copper) for no less than 12 years. Any system subject to the requirements of §290.117 of this title shall retain on its premises original records of all sampling data and analyses, reports, surveys, letters, evaluations, schedules, executive determinations, and any other information required by the executive director under §290.117 of this title. These records include, but are not limited to, the following items: tap water monitoring results including the location of each site and date of collection; certification of the volume and validity of first-draw-tap sample criteria via a copy of the laboratory analysis request form; where residents collected the sample; certification that the water system informed the resident of proper sampling procedures; the analytical results for lead and copper concentrations at each tap sample site; and designation of any substitute site not used in previous monitoring periods.
(G) A public water system shall maintain records relating to special studies and pilot projects, special monitoring, and other system-specific matters as directed by the executive director.
(4) Public water systems shall submit routine reports and any additional documentation that the executive director may require to determine compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
(A) The reports must be submitted to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Water Supply Division, MC 155, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087 by the tenth day of the month following the end of the reporting period.
(B) The reports must contain all the information required by the drinking water standards and the results of any special monitoring tests which have been required.
(C) The reports must be completed in ink, typed, or computer-printed and must be signed by the licensed water works operator.
(5) All public water systems that are affected utilities under TWC §13.1394 or §13.1395 must maintain the following records for as long as they are applicable to the system:
(A) An emergency preparedness plan approved by the executive director and a copy of the approval letter.
(B) All required operating, inspection, testing, and maintenance records for auxiliary power equipment, and associated components required to be maintained, or actions performed as prescribed in §290.46(m)(8) of this title.
(C) Copies of the manufacturer's specifications for all generators that are part of the approved emergency preparedness plan.
(g) Disinfection of new or repaired facilities. Disinfection by or under the direction of water system personnel must be performed when repairs are made to existing facilities and before new facilities are placed into service. Disinfection must be performed in accordance with American Water Works Association (AWWA) requirements and water samples must be submitted to an accredited laboratory. The sample results must indicate that the facility is free of microbiological contamination before it is placed into service. When it is necessary to return repaired mains to service as rapidly as possible, doses may be increased to 500 mg/L and the contact time reduced to 1/2 hour.
(h) Calcium hypochlorite. A supply of calcium hypochlorite disinfectant shall be kept on hand for use when making repairs, setting meters, and disinfecting new mains prior to placing them in service.
(i) Plumbing ordinance. Public water systems must adopt an adequate plumbing ordinance, regulations, or service agreement with provisions for proper enforcement to ensure that neither cross-connections nor other unacceptable plumbing practices are permitted (See §290.47(b) of this title (relating to Appendices)). Should sanitary control of the distribution system not reside with the purveyor, the entity retaining sanitary control shall be responsible for establishing and enforcing adequate regulations in this regard. The use of pipes and pipe fittings that contain more than 0.25% lead or solders and flux that contain more than 0.2% lead is prohibited for installation or repair of any public water supply and for installation or repair of any plumbing in a residential or nonresidential facility providing water for human consumption and connected to a public drinking water supply system. This requirement may be waived for lead joints that are necessary for repairs to cast iron pipe.
(j) Customer service inspections. A customer service inspection certificate shall be completed prior to providing continuous water service to new construction, on any existing service either when the water purveyor has reason to believe that cross-connections or other potential contaminant hazards exist, or after any material improvement, correction, or addition to the private water distribution facilities. Any customer service inspection certificate form which varies from the format found in commission Form 20699 must be approved by the executive director prior to being placed in use.
(1) Individuals with the following credentials shall be recognized as capable of conducting a customer service inspection certification.
(A) Plumbing Inspectors and Water Supply Protection Specialists licensed by the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners (TSBPE).
(B) Customer service inspectors who have completed a commission-approved course, passed an examination administered by the executive director, and hold current professional license as a customer service inspector.
(2) As potential contaminant hazards are discovered, they shall be promptly eliminated to prevent possible contamination of the water supplied by the public water system. The existence of a health hazard, as identified in §290.47(f) of this title, shall be considered sufficient grounds for immediate termination of water service. Service can be restored only when the health hazard no longer exists, or until the health hazard has been isolated from the public water system in accordance with §290.44(h) of this title (relating to Water Distribution).
(3) These customer service inspection requirements are not considered acceptable substitutes for and shall not apply to the sanitary control requirements stated in §290.102(a)(5) of this title (relating to General Applicability).
(4) A customer service inspection is an examination of the private water distribution facilities for the purpose of providing or denying water service. This inspection is limited to the identification and prevention of cross-connections, potential contaminant hazards, and illegal lead materials. The customer service inspector has no authority or obligation beyond the scope of the commission's regulations. A customer service inspection is not a plumbing inspection as defined and regulated by the TSBPE. A customer service inspector is not permitted to perform plumbing inspections. State statutes and TSBPE adopted rules require that TSBPE licensed plumbing inspectors perform plumbing inspections of all new plumbing and alterations or additions to existing plumbing within the municipal limits of all cities, towns, and villages which have passed an ordinance adopting one of the plumbing codes recognized by TSBPE. Such entities may stipulate that the customer service inspection be performed by the plumbing inspector as a part of the more comprehensive plumbing inspection. Where such entities permit customer service inspectors to perform customer service inspections, the customer service inspector shall report any violations immediately to the local entity's plumbing inspection department.
(k) Interconnection. No physical connection between the distribution system of a public drinking water supply and that of any other water supply shall be permitted unless the other water supply is of a safe, sanitary quality and the interconnection is approved by the executive director.
(l) Flushing of mains. All dead-end mains must be flushed at monthly intervals. Dead-end lines and other mains shall be flushed as needed if water quality complaints are received from water customers or if disinfectant residuals fall below acceptable levels as specified in §290.110 of this title.
(m) Maintenance and housekeeping. The maintenance and housekeeping practices used by a public water system shall ensure the good working condition and general appearance of the system's facilities and equipment. The grounds and facilities shall be maintained in a manner so as to minimize the possibility of the harboring of rodents, insects, and other disease vectors, and in such a way as to prevent other conditions that might cause the contamination of the water.
(1) Each of the system's ground, elevated, and pressure tanks shall be inspected annually by water system personnel or a contracted inspection service.
(A) Ground and elevated storage tank inspections must determine that the vents are in place and properly screened, the roof hatches closed and locked, flap valves and gasketing provide adequate protection against insects, rodents, and other vermin, the interior and exterior coating systems are continuing to provide adequate protection to all metal surfaces, and the tank remains in a watertight condition.
(B) Pressure tank inspections must determine that the pressure release device and pressure gauge are working properly, the air-water ratio is being maintained at the proper level, the exterior coating systems are continuing to provide adequate protection to all metal surfaces, and the tank remains in watertight condition. Pressure tanks provided with an inspection port must have the interior surface inspected every five years.
(C) All tanks shall be inspected annually to determine that instrumentation and controls are working properly.
(2) When pressure filters are used, a visual inspection of the filter media and internal filter surfaces shall be conducted annually to ensure that the filter media is in good condition and the coating materials continue to provide adequate protection to internal surfaces.
(3) When cartridge filters are used, filter cartridges shall be changed at the frequency required by the manufacturer, or more frequently if needed.
(4) All water treatment units, storage and pressure maintenance facilities, distribution system lines, and related appurtenances shall be maintained in a watertight condition and be free of excessive solids.
(5) Basins used for water clarification shall be maintained free of excessive solids to prevent possible carryover of sludge and the formation of tastes and odors.
(6) Pumps, motors, valves, and other mechanical devices shall be maintained in good working condition.
(7) Reverse osmosis or nanofiltration membrane systems shall be cleaned, or replaced, in accordance with the allowable operating conditions of the manufacturer and shall be based on one or more of the following: increased salt passage, increased or decreased pressure differential, and/or change in normalized permeate flow.
(8) Emergency generators must be appropriately tested and maintained monthly under at least 30% load based on the manufacturer's name plate kilowatt (kW) rating for at least 30 minutes, or as recommended by the manufacturer, to ensure functionality during emergency situations.
(A) Emergency generators operated at water systems serving 1,000 connections or greater must be maintained in accordance with Level 2 maintenance requirements contained in the current National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 110 Standard and manufacturer's recommendation. In addition, the water system must maintain an inventory of operational maintenance items, lubricants, and coolants for critical generator components.
(B) Emergency generators operated at water systems serving fewer than 1,000 connections must be maintained according to clauses (i) - (x) of this subparagraph, supplemented with any additional requirements not listed below as prescribed in the manufacturer's specifications, or Level 2 maintenance requirements contained in NFPA 110 Standard. In addition, the public water system must maintain an inventory of operational maintenance items, lubricants, and coolants for critical generator components.
(i) Prior to monthly generator start-up, inspect and perform any needed maintenance on the generator fuel system.
(I) Document tank levels and inspect fuel tanks for fuel contamination and condensation in the portion of the tank occupied by air. If contamination is suspected, replace or polish the contaminated fuel before use.
(II) Inspect fuel lines and fittings for breaks and degradation. Replace fuel lines if needed.
(III) Inspect fuel filters and water separators for water accumulation, clogging and sediment buildup. Replace fuel filters and separators at the frequency recommended by the manufacturer, or as needed.
(IV) Inspect fuel transfer pumps, float switches and valves, where provided, between holding tanks and the generator to verify that they are operating properly.
(V) Where provided, inspect fuel tank grounding rods, cathodic and generator lightning protection for damage that may render the protection ineffective.
(ii) While the generator is operating under load, inspect the fuel pump to verify that it is operating properly.
(iii) Prior to monthly generator start up, inspect and perform any needed maintenance on the generator lubrication system.
(I) Inspect oil lines and oil reservoirs for adequate oil levels, leaks, breaks and degradation. Change oil at the frequency recommended by the manufacturer.
(II) Grease all bearing components and grease fittings at the frequency recommended by the manufacturer.
(iv) Prior to monthly generator start up, inspect and perform any needed maintenance on the generator coolant system.
(I) Inspect the block heater, coolant lines and coolant reservoirs for adequate coolant levels, leaks, breaks and degradation; replace as needed.
(II) Inspect coolant filters for clogging and sediment buildup. Replace coolant filters at the frequency recommended by the manufacturer, or as needed.
(III) Inspect the radiator, fan system, belts and air intake and filters for obstruction, cracks, breaks, and leaks; replace as needed.
(v) While the generator is operating under load, inspect the exhaust manifold and muffler to verify that they are not obstructed or leaking, are in good working condition and that fumes are directed away from enclosed areas.
(vi) Where a generator is located inside an enclosed structure, a carbon monoxide monitor equipped with automatic alarms and generator shutdowns must be present and operational.
(vii) Prior to monthly generator start up, inspect and perform any needed maintenance on the generator electrical system.
(I) Confirm that all batteries are mounted and properly secured. Inspect battery chargers, wiring and cables for damage, corrosion, connection continuity, and that all contacts are securely tightened onto battery terminals.
(II) Inspect each battery unit for adequate electrolyte levels, charge retention and appropriate discharge voltage.
(viii) While the generator is operating under load, inspect engine starters and alternators to verify that they are operating properly.
(ix) At least once per month, inspect Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) and Uninterrupted Power Supplies (UPC), where applicable, to ensure that they are water-tight and not subject to floods, are properly ventilated, and that backup power supplies have adequate charge.
(x) At least once per month, inspect switch gears to ensure they are water-tight and in good, working condition.
(9) All critical components as described in the table in §290.47(c) associated to the source, treatment, storage, or other facilities necessary for the continued operations and distribution of water to customers must be protected from adverse weather conditions. Weatherization methods must be maintained in good condition and replaced as needed to ensure adequate protection.
(n) Engineering plans and maps. Plans, specifications, maps, and other pertinent information shall be maintained to facilitate the operation and maintenance of the system's facilities and equipment. The following records shall be maintained on file at the public water system and be available to the executive director upon request.
(1) Accurate and up-to-date detailed as-built plans or record drawings and specifications for each treatment plant, pump station, and storage tank shall be maintained at the public water system until the facility is decommissioned. As-built plans of individual projects may be used to fulfill this requirement if the plans are maintained in an organized manner.
(2) An accurate and up-to-date map of the distribution system shall be available so that valves and mains can be easily located during emergencies.
(3) Copies of well completion data as defined in §290.41(c)(3)(A) of this title (relating to Water Sources) shall be kept on file for as long as the well remains in service.
(o) Filter backwashing at surface water treatment plants. Filters must be backwashed when a loss of head differential of six to ten feet is experienced between the influent and effluent loss of head gauges or when the turbidity level at the effluent of the filter reaches 1.0 nephelometric turbidity unit (NTU).
(p) Data on public water system ownership and management. The agency shall be provided with information regarding public water system ownership and management.
(1) When a public water system changes ownership, a written notice of the transaction must be provided to the executive director. The grantee shall notify the executive director of the change in ownership within 30 days after the effective date of the change in ownership by providing the name of the grantor, the effective date of the change in ownership, the physical and mailing address and phone number of the grantee, the public water system's drinking water supply identification number, and any other information necessary to identify the transaction.
(2) On an annual basis, the owner of a public water system shall provide the executive director with a list of all the operators and operating companies that the public water system uses. The notice shall contain the name, contact information, work status, license number, and license class of each operator and the name and registration number of each operating company. Public water systems may report the list of operators and operating companies to the executive director by utilizing the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) online "Operator Notice" form. If reporting cannot be accomplished utilizing the TCEQ online "Operator Notice" form, then a public water system may report the list of operators and operating companies on the written "Operator Notice" form to the executive director by mail, email or facsimile. (See §290.47(d) of this title).
(q) Special precautions, protective measures, and boil water notices. Special precautions, protective measures, and boil water notices shall be instituted by the public water system as specified in this subsection in the event of low distribution pressures (below 20 pounds per square inch (psi)), water outages, microbiological samples found to contain Escherichia coli (E. coli) (or other approved fecal indicator), failure to maintain adequate disinfectant residuals, elevated finished water turbidity levels, or other conditions which indicate that the potability of the drinking water supply has been compromised. Special precautions, protective measures, and boil water notices are corrective or protective actions which shall be instituted by the public water system to comply with the requirements of this subsection.
(1) A public water system shall issue a boil water notice, special precaution, or protective measure to customers throughout the distribution system or in the affected area(s) of the distribution system as soon as possible, but in no case later than 24 hours after the public water system has met any of the criteria described in subparagraph (A) and (B) of this paragraph.
(A) Situations requiring boil water notices:
(i) The flowchart found in §290.47(e) of this title shall be used to determine if a boil water notice shall be issued by the public water system to customers in the event of a loss of distribution system pressure.
(ii) A public water system shall issue a boil water notice to customers for a violation of the MCL for E. coli (or other approved fecal indicator) as described in §290.109(b)(1) of this title.
(iii) A public water system shall issue a boil water notice to customers if the combined filter effluent turbidity of the finished water, produced by a treatment plant that is treating surface water or groundwater under the direct influence of surface water, is above the turbidity level requirements as described in §290.122(a)(1)(B) of this title.
(iv) A public water system shall issue a boil water notice to customers if the public water system has failed to maintain adequate disinfectant residuals as described in subsection (d) of this section and as described in §290.110 of this title (relating to Disinfectant Residuals) for more than 24 hours.
(v) A public water system shall issue a boil water notice to customers if a waterborne disease outbreak occurs as defined in 40 Code for Federal Regulations §141.2.
(B) Situations requiring special precautions or protective measures may be determined by the public water system or at the discretion of the executive director, as described in paragraph (5) of this subsection.
(2) Boil water notices, special precautions, or protective measures shall be issued to customers by using one or more of the Tier 1 delivery methods as described in §290.122(a)(2) of this title (relating to Public Notification) and shall be issued using the applicable language and format specified by the executive director.
(3) A copy of boil water notice, special precaution, or protective measure issued shall be provided to the executive director electronically, within 24 hours or no later than the next business day after the issuance by the public water system, and a signed Certificate of Delivery shall be provided to the executive director within ten days after issuance by the public water system in accordance with §290.122(f) of this title.
(4) Boil water notices, special precautions, or protective measures shall be multilingual where appropriate, based upon local demographics.
(5) Special precautions, protective measures, and boil water notices may be required at the discretion of the executive director and shall be instituted by the public water system, upon written notification to the public water system, and shall remain in effect until the public water system meets the requirements of subparagraph (C) of this paragraph and paragraph (6) of this subsection.
(A) Circumstances warranting the exercise of such discretion may include:
(i) the public water system has failed to provide any of the required compliance information to the executive director as described in §290.111(h)(2) of this title (relating to Surface Water Treatment) and the failure results in the inability of the executive director to determine compliance as described in §290.111(i) of this title or the existence of a potential or actual health hazard, as described in §290.38 of this title (relating to Definitions); or
(ii) waterborne emergencies for situations that do not meet the definition of waterborne disease outbreak as defined in 40 Code of Federal Regulations §141.2, but that still have the potential to have serious adverse health effects as a result of short-term exposure. These can include, but are not limited to, outbreaks not related to treatment deficiencies, as well as situations that have the potential to cause outbreaks, such as failures or significant interruption in water treatment processes, natural disasters that disrupt the water supply or distribution system, chemical spills, or unexpected loading of possible pathogens into the source water.
(B) The executive director will provide written notification to the public water system in the event a public water system is required to institute special precautions, protective measures, or issue boil water notices to customers at the discretion of the executive director. Upon written notification from the executive director, the public water system shall implement special precautions, protective measures, or issue boil water notices to customers within 24 hours or within the time period specified by the executive director. The executive director may specify, in writing, additional required actions to the requirements described in paragraph (6) of this subsection for a public water system to rescind the notice.
(C) The public water system shall provide any required information to the executive director to document that the public water system has met the rescind requirements for special precautions, protective measures, and boil water notices required at the discretion of the executive director under this paragraph.
(6) Once the boil water notice, special precaution, or protective measure is no longer in effect, the public water system shall notify customers that the notice has been rescinded. A public water system shall not rescind a notice or notify customers that a notice has been rescinded until the public water system has met all the applicable requirements, as described in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph.
(A) Required actions prior to rescinding a boil water notice include:
(i) water distribution system pressures in excess of 20 psi are consistently being maintained throughout the distribution system in accordance with the flowchart found in §290.47(e) of this title (relating to Appendices);
(ii) a minimum of 0.2 mg/L free chlorine residual or 0.5 mg/L chloramine residual (measured as total chlorine) is present and is consistently being maintained in each finished water storage tank and throughout the distribution system as described in subsection (d) of this section;
(iii) finished water entering the distribution system, produced by a treatment plant that is treating surface water or groundwater under the direct influence of surface water, has a turbidity level that is consistently below 1.0 NTU and the affected areas of the distribution system have been thoroughly flushed;
(iv) additional actions may be required by the executive director, in writing, and these additional actions shall be completed and documentation provided to the executive director for approval prior to the public water system rescinding the notice, and
(v) water samples for microbiological analysis, marked as "special" on the laboratory sample submission form, were collected from representative locations throughout the distribution system or in the affected area(s) of the distribution system after the public water system has met all other applicable requirements of this paragraph and the water samples collected for microbiological analysis are found negative for coliform organisms. The water samples described in this subparagraph shall be analyzed at laboratories in accordance with §290.119 of this title (relating to Analytical Procedures).
(B) A public water system shall notify customers that the notice has been rescinded within 24 hours or no later than the next business day, using language and format specified by the executive director once the public water system has met the requirements of this paragraph. The method of delivery of the rescind notice must be in a manner similar to the original notice.
(C) The public water system shall provide a copy of the rescind notice, a copy of the associated microbiological laboratory analysis results, as required by subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, and a signed Certificate of Delivery to the executive director within ten days after the public water system has issued the rescind notice to customers in accordance with §290.122(f) of this title.
(r) Minimum pressures. All public water systems shall be operated to provide a minimum pressure of 35 psi throughout the distribution system under normal operating conditions. The system shall also be operated to maintain a minimum pressure of 20 psi during emergencies such as firefighting. As soon as safe and practicable following the occurrence of a natural disaster, a public water system that is an affected utility, as defined in TWC §13.1394 or §13.1395, shall maintain a minimum of 20 psi or a pressure approved by the executive director, or 35 psi, respectively, throughout the distribution system during an extended power outage.
(s) Testing equipment. Accurate testing equipment or some other means of monitoring the effectiveness of any chemical treatment or pathogen inactivation or removal processes must be used by the system.
(1) Flow-measuring devices and rate-of-flow controllers that are required by §290.42(b) and (d) of this title (relating to Water Treatment) shall be calibrated at least once every 12 months. Well meters required by §290.41(c)(3)(N) of this title shall be calibrated at least once every three years.
(2) Laboratory equipment used for compliance testing shall be properly calibrated.
(A) pH meters shall be properly calibrated.
(i) Benchtop pH meters shall be calibrated according to manufacturer specifications at least once each day.
(ii) The calibration of benchtop pH meters shall be checked with at least one buffer each time a series of samples is run, and if necessary, recalibrated according to manufacturer specifications.
(iii) On-line pH meters shall be calibrated according to manufacturer specifications at least once every 30 days.
(iv) The calibration of on-line pH meters shall be checked at least once each week with a primary standard or by comparing the results from the on-line unit with the results from a properly calibrated benchtop unit. If necessary, the on-line unit shall be recalibrated with primary standards.
(B) Turbidimeters shall be properly calibrated.
(i) Benchtop turbidimeters shall be calibrated with primary standards at least once every 90 days. Each time the turbidimeter is calibrated with primary standards, the secondary standards shall be restandardized.
(ii) The calibration of benchtop turbidimeters shall be checked with secondary standards each time a series of samples is tested, and if necessary, recalibrated with primary standards.
(iii) On-line turbidimeters shall be calibrated with primary standards at least once every 90 days.
(iv) The calibration of on-line turbidimeters shall be checked at least once each week with a primary standard, a secondary standard, or the manufacturer's proprietary calibration confirmation device or by comparing the results from the on-line unit with the results from a properly calibrated benchtop unit. If necessary, the on-line unit shall be recalibrated with primary standards.
(C) Chemical disinfectant residual analyzers shall be properly calibrated.
(i) The accuracy of manual disinfectant residual analyzers shall be verified at least once every 90 days using chlorine solutions of known concentrations.
(ii) The accuracy of continuous disinfectant residual analyzers shall be checked at least once every seven days with a chlorine solution of known concentration or by comparing the results from the on-line analyzer with the result of approved benchtop method in accordance with §290.119 of this title.
(iii) If a disinfectant residual analyzer produces a result which is not within 15% of the expected value, the cause of the discrepancy must be determined and corrected and, if necessary, the instrument must be recalibrated.
(D) Analyzers used to determine the effectiveness of chloramination in §290.110(c)(5) of this title shall be properly verified in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations every 90 days. These analyzers include monochloramine, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate equipment used by the public water system.
(E) Ultraviolet (UV) light disinfection analyzers shall be properly calibrated.
(i) The accuracy of duty UV sensors shall be verified with a reference UV sensor monthly, according to the UV sensor manufacturer.
(ii) The reference UV sensor shall be calibrated by the UV sensor manufacturer on a yearly basis, or sooner if needed.
(iii) If used, the UV Transmittance (UVT) analyzer shall be calibrated weekly according to the UVT analyzer manufacturer specifications.
(F) Systems must verify the performance of direct integrity testing equipment in a manner and schedule approved by the executive director.
(G) Conductivity (or total dissolved solids) monitors and pressure instruments used for reverse osmosis and nanofiltration membrane systems shall be calibrated at least once every 12 months.
(H) Any temperature monitoring devices used for reverse osmosis and nanofiltration shall be verified and calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.
(t) System ownership. All community water systems shall post a legible sign at each of its production, treatment, and storage facilities. The sign shall be located in plain view of the public and shall provide the name of the water supply and an emergency telephone number where a responsible official can be contacted.
(u) Abandoned wells. Abandoned public water supply wells owned by the system must be plugged with cement according to 16 TAC Chapter 76 (relating to Water Well Drillers and Water Well Pump Installers). Wells that are not in use and are non-deteriorated as defined in those rules must be tested every five years or as required by the executive director to prove that they are in a non-deteriorated condition. The test results shall be sent to the executive director for review and approval. Deteriorated wells must be either plugged with cement or repaired to a non-deteriorated condition.
(v) Electrical wiring. All water system electrical wiring must be securely installed in compliance with a local or national electrical code.
(w) Security. All systems shall maintain internal procedures to notify the executive director by methods provided by the executive director immediately upon determining that one of the following events has occurred, if the event may negatively impact the production or delivery of safe and adequate drinking water:
(1) an unusual or unexplained unauthorized entry at property of the public water system;
(2) an act of terrorism against the public water system;
(3) an unauthorized attempt to probe for or gain access to proprietary information that supports the key activities of the public water system;
(4) a theft of property that supports the key activities of the public water system;
(5) a natural disaster, accident, or act that results in damage to the public water system; or
(6) a nonindustrial water system that experiences an unplanned condition that has caused the system to issue a special precaution under §290.47(e) of this title or issue a do-not-consume advisory, do-not-use advisory, or boil water notice under subsection (q) of this section.
(A) For the purposes of this paragraph, a nonindustrial water system is defined as a public water system which does not exclusively serve industrial connections.
(B) For the purposes of this paragraph unplanned condition is defined as any condition where advance notice to water system customers has not been performed.
(x) Public safety standards. This subsection only applies to a municipality with a population of 1,000,000 or more, with a public utility within its corporate limits; a municipality with a population of more than 36,000 and less than 41,000 located in two counties, one of which is a county with a population of more than 1.8 million; a municipality, including any industrial district within the municipality or its extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ), with a population of more than 7,000 and less than 30,000 located in a county with a population of more than 155,000 and less than 180,000; or a municipality, including any industrial district within the municipality or its ETJ, with a population of more than 11,000 and less than 18,000 located in a county with a population of more than 125,000 and less than 230,000.
(1) In this subsection:
(A) "Regulatory authority" means, in accordance with the context in which it is found, either the commission or the governing body of a municipality.
(B) "Public utility" means any person, corporation, cooperative corporation, affected county, or any combination of these persons or entities, other than a municipal corporation, water supply or sewer service corporation, or a political subdivision of the state, except an affected county, or their lessees, trustees, and receivers, owning or operating for compensation in this state equipment or facilities for the transmission, storage, distribution, sale, or provision of potable water to the public or for the resale of potable water to the public for any use or for the collection, transportation, treatment, or disposal of sewage or other operation of a sewage disposal service for the public, other than equipment or facilities owned and operated for either purpose by a municipality or other political subdivision of this state or a water supply or sewer service corporation, but does not include any person or corporation not otherwise a public utility that furnishes the services or commodity only to itself or its employees or tenants as an incident of that employee service or tenancy when that service or commodity is not resold to or used by others.
(C) "Residential area" means:
(i) an area designated as a residential zoning district by a governing ordinance or code or an area in which the principal land use is for private residences;
(ii) a subdivision for which a plat is recorded in the real property records of the county and that contains or is bounded by public streets or parts of public streets that are abutted by residential property occupying at least 75% of the front footage along the block face; or
(iii) a subdivision a majority of the lots of which are subject to deed restrictions limiting the lots to residential use.
(D) "Industrial district" has the meaning assigned by Texas Local Government Code, §42.044, and includes an area that is designated by the governing body of a municipality as a zoned industrial area.
(2) When the regulatory authority is a municipality, it shall by ordinance adopt standards for installing fire hydrants in residential areas in the municipality. These standards must, at a minimum, follow current AWWA standards pertaining to fire hydrants and the requirements of §290.44(e)(6) of this title.
(3) When the regulatory authority is a municipality, it shall by ordinance adopt standards for maintaining sufficient water pressure for service to fire hydrants adequate to protect public safety in residential areas in the municipality. The standards specified in paragraph (4) of this subsection are the minimum acceptable standards.
(4) A public utility shall deliver water to any fire hydrant connected to the public utility's water system located in a residential area so that the flow at the fire hydrant is at least 250 gallons per minute for a minimum period of two hours while maintaining a minimum pressure of 20 psi throughout the distribution system during emergencies such as firefighting. That flow is in addition to the public utility's maximum daily demand for purposes other than firefighting.
(5) When the regulatory authority is a municipality, it shall adopt the standards required by this subsection within one year of the effective date of this subsection or within one year of the date this subsection first applies to the municipality, whichever occurs later.
(6) A public utility shall comply with the standards established by a municipality under both paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subsection within one year of the date the standards first apply to the public utility. If a municipality has failed to comply with the deadline required by paragraph (5) of this subsection, then a public utility shall comply with the standards specified in paragraphs (2) and (4) of this subsection within two years of the effective date of this subsection or within one year of the date this subsection first applies to the public utility, whichever occurs later.
(y) Fire hydrant flow standards.
(1) In this subsection:
(A) "Municipal utility" means a retail public utility, as defined by Texas Water Code (TWC), §13.002, that is owned by a municipality.
(B) "Residential area" means an area used principally for private residences that is improved with at least 100 single-family homes and has an average density of one home per half acre.
(C) "Utility" includes a "public utility" and "water supply or sewer service corporation" as defined by TWC §13.002.
(2) The governing body of a municipality by ordinance may adopt standards set by the executive director requiring a utility to maintain a minimum sufficient water flow and pressure to fire hydrants in a residential area located in the municipality or the municipality's ETJ. The municipality must submit a signed copy of the ordinance to the executive director within 60 days of the adoption of an ordinance by its governing body.
(3) In addition to a utility's maximum daily demand, the utility must provide, for purposes of emergency fire suppression:
(A) a minimum sufficient water flow of at least 250 gallons per minute for at least two hours; and
(B) a minimum sufficient water pressure of at least 20 psi.
(4) If a municipality adopts standards for a minimum sufficient water flow and pressure to fire hydrants, the municipality must require a utility to maintain at least the minimum sufficient water flow and pressure described by paragraph (3) of this subsection in fire hydrants in a residential area located within the municipality or the municipality's ETJ. If the municipality adopts a fire flow standard exceeding the minimum standards set in paragraph (3) of this subsection, the standard adopted by the municipality must be based on:
(A) the density of connections;
(B) service demands; and
(C) other relevant factors.
(5) If the municipality owns a municipal utility, it may not require another utility located in the municipality or the municipality's ETJ to provide water flow and pressure in a fire hydrant greater than that provided by the municipal utility as determined by the executive director.
(6) If the municipality does not own a municipal utility, it may not require a utility located in the municipality or the municipality's ETJ to provide a minimum sufficient water flow and pressure greater than the standard established by paragraph (3) of this subsection.
(7) An ordinance under paragraph (2) of this subsection may not require a utility to build, retrofit, or improve infrastructure in existence at the time the ordinance is adopted.
(8) A municipality with a population of less than 1.9 million that adopts standards under paragraph (2) of this subsection or that seeks to use a utility's water for emergency fire suppression shall enter into a written memorandum of understanding with the utility.
(A) The memorandum of understanding must provide for:
(i) the necessary testing of fire hydrants; and
(ii) other relevant issues pertaining to the use of the water and maintenance of the fire hydrants to ensure compliance with this subsection.
(B) The municipality must submit a signed copy of the memorandum of understanding to the executive director within 60 days of the execution of the memorandum of understanding between its governing body and the utility.
(9) A municipality may notify the executive director of a utility's failure to comply with a standard adopted under paragraph (3) of this subsection.
(10) On receiving the notice described by paragraph (9) of this subsection, the executive director shall require a utility in violation of a standard adopted under this subsection to comply within a reasonable time established by the executive director.
(z) Nitrification Action Plan (NAP). Any water system distributing chloraminated water must create a NAP. The system must create a written NAP that:
(1) contains the system-specific plan for monitoring free ammonia, monochloramine, total chlorine, nitrite, and nitrate levels;
(2) contains system-specific action levels of the above monitored chemicals where action must be taken;
(3) contains specific corrective actions to be taken if the action levels are exceeded; and
(4) is maintained as part of the system's monitoring plan in §290.121 of this title.
The agency certifies that legal counsel has reviewed the adoption and found it to be a valid exercise of the agency's legal authority.
Filed with the Office of the Secretary of State on December 20, 2024.
Charmaine Backens
Deputy Director, Environmental Law Division
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Effective date: January 9, 2025
Proposal publication date: August 16, 2024
For further information, please call: (512) 239-2678
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ, agency, or commission) adopts amendments to §291.143 and §291.161.
Amended §291.143 and §291.161 are adopted without changes to the proposed text as published in the August 16, 2024, issue of the Texas Register (49 TexReg 6165) and, therefore, will not be republished.
Background and Summary of the Factual Basis for the Adopted Rules
During the 88th Texas Legislative Session (2023), House Bill (HB) 1500 and HB 4559 passed, and require amendments to 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 291 to implement the enacted legislation.
Texas Water Code (TWC), §13.4132, enacted in HB 1500, establishes the duration of an emergency order appointing a temporary manager to operate a utility that discontinues operation or is referred for appointment of a receiver.
This rulemaking reflects changes to TWC, §13.1395 enacted in HB 4559, which amended the definition of "affected utility" by changing county population. The amended population maintains the applicability of the counties required to have an Emergency Preparedness Plan (EPP) under TWC, §13.1395 or TWC, §13.1394.
Section by Section Discussion
§291.143 Operation of a Utility by a Temporary Manager.
The commission adopts amended §291.143 to revise the term limit of a temporary manager from 180 to 360 days, based on the duration of an emergency order, and provide for renewal of the emergency order in accordance with TWC, §13.4132 as amended by HB 1500.
§291.161 Definitions.
The commission adopts amendments to the definition of "affected utility" in §291.161(1)(B)(ii) to change the population from "550,000" to "800,000" in accordance with TWC, §13.1395 as amended by HB 4559. The amended population maintains the applicability of the counties required to have an EPP under TWC, §13.1395 or TWC, §13.1394.
Final Regulatory Impact Determination
The commission reviewed this rulemaking in light of the regulatory analysis requirements of Texas Government Code, §2001.0225 and determined that the rulemaking is not subject to §2001.0225. A "Major environmental rule" means a rule with a specific intent to protect the environment or reduce risks to human health from environmental exposure, and that may adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, or the public health and safety of the state or a sector of the state.
First, the rulemaking does not meet the statutory definition of a "Major environmental rule" because its specific intent is not to protect the environment or reduce risks to human health from environmental exposure. The specific intent of the rulemaking is to provide a duration for an emergency order issued under TWC, §13.4132 and to revise the county population in the definition of affected utility in TWC, §13.1395(a)(1), which applies to those affected utilities which are required to submit emergency preparedness plans to the commission for review and approval.
Second, the rulemaking does not meet the statutory definition of a "Major environmental rule" because the rules will not adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, or the public health and safety of the state or a sector of the state. It is not anticipated that the cost of complying with the rules will be significant with respect to the economy as a whole or with respect to a sector of the economy; therefore, the amendments will not adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the economy, competition, or jobs.
Finally, the rulemaking does not meet any of the four applicability requirements for a "Major environmental rule" listed in Texas Government Code, §2001.0225(a). Section §2001.0225 only applies to a major environmental rule, the result of which is to: 1) exceed a standard set by federal law, unless the rule is specifically required by state law; 2) exceed an express requirement of state law, unless the rule is specifically required by federal law; 3) exceed a requirement of a delegation agreement or contract between the state and an agency or representative of the federal government to implement a state and federal program; or 4) adopt a rule solely under the general powers of the agency instead of under a specific state law. This rulemaking does not meet any of the preceding four applicability requirements because this rulemaking: does not exceed any standard set by federal law for public water systems; does not exceed any express requirement of state law; does not exceed a requirement of a delegation agreement or contract between the state and an agency or representative of the federal government; and is not based solely under the general powers of the agency, but under THSC, §341.031 and §341.0315, which allows the commission to adopt and enforce rules related to public drinking water, as well as under the general powers of the commission.
The commission invited public comment regarding the Draft Regulatory Impact Analysis Determination during the public comment period. No comments were received regarding the regulatory impact analysis determination.
Takings Impact Assessment
The commission evaluated this rulemaking and performed a preliminary assessment of whether these rules constitute a taking under Texas Government Code, Chapter 2007.
The commission adopts these rules to implement HB 1500 and 4559, 88th Texas Legislative session (2023). HB 1500 amended TWC, §13.4132 by establishing a duration of 360 days, with the possibility of renewal, for an emergency order issued to appoint a temporary manager of a water system that ceases operation or is referred for appointment of a receiver. HB 4559 amended TWC, §13.1394(a)(1) by changing the county population in the definition of "affected utility." An affected utility is required to file an emergency preparedness plan with the executive director for review and approval.
The commission's analysis indicates that Texas Government Code, Chapter §2007, does not apply to these rules based upon exceptions to applicability in Texas Government Code, §2007.003(b). The rulemaking is an action that is taken to fulfill obligations mandated under state law for all of the adopted rules. The rulemaking related to emergency orders and emergency preparedness plans is also an action taken in response to a real and substantial threat to public health and safety, that is designed to significantly advance the public health and safety purpose, and that does not impose a greater burden than is necessary to achieve the public health and safety purpose. Texas Government Code, §2007.003(b)(4) and (13).
First, the rulemaking is an action taken to fulfill obligations under state law. The duration of an emergency order appointing a temporary manager is now established under TWC, §13.4132(b-1), and the change to the county population in the definition of "affected utility" maintains those affected utilities requirements to submit emergency preparedness plans to the commission under TWC, §13.1395(a)(1).
Second, the rulemaking is related to the duration of emergency orders and to the submission of emergency preparedness plans by affected utilities, which are actions that are taken in response to a real and substantial threat to public health and safety. The adopted rules will ensure the continuity of operation of public water systems by temporary managers appointed pursuant to emergency orders with a duration established by the legislature and by ensuring that emergency preparedness plans are submitted by affected utilities in appropriate counties designated by the legislature. The adopted rules will significantly advance the public health and safety purpose; and does not impose a greater burden than is necessary to achieve the public health and safety purpose. These rules advance the public health and safety by ensuring appropriate governmental regulation and do so in a way that does not impose a greater burden than is necessary to achieve the public health and safety purpose. Texas Government Code, §2007.003(b)(13).
Further, the commission has determined that promulgation and enforcement of these rules will be neither a statutory nor a constitutional taking of private real property. Specifically, there are no burdens imposed on private real property under the rules because the rules neither relate to, nor have any impact on, the use or enjoyment of private real property, and there will be no reduction in property value as a result of these rules. The rules require compliance regarding the duration of an emergency order appointing a temporary manager as now established under state law, and compliance regarding submission by an affected utility to the commission of its emergency preparedness plan, which is meant to ensure public health and safety. Therefore, the rules will not constitute a taking under Texas Government Code, Chapter §2007.
Consistency with the Coastal Management Program
The commission reviewed the adopted rulemaking and found that the sections proposed for amendments are neither identified in Coastal Coordination Act implementation rules, 31 TAC §505.11(b)(2) or (4), nor will the amendments affect any action or authorization identified in Coastal Coordination Act implementation rules, 31 TAC §505.11(a)(6). Therefore, the adopted rulemaking is not subject to the Texas Coastal Management Program.
The commission invited public comment regarding the consistency with the coastal management program during the public comment period. No comments were received regarding the Coastal Management Program.
Public Comment
The commission held a public hearing on Thursday, September 12, 2024. No oral comments were received at the public hearing. The comment period closed on Tuesday, September 17, 2024. The commission received timely comments on the proposed Chapter §290 rules from Texas Rural Water Association (TRWA) but received no comments on the proposed Chapter §291 rules.
Statutory Authority
The rulemaking is adopted under Texas Water Code (TWC), §5.013, which establishes the general jurisdiction of the commission; TWC, §5.102, which establishes the commission's general authority to perform any act necessary to carry out its jurisdiction; TWC, §5.103 and TWC, §5.105, which establish the commission's authority to adopt any rules necessary to carry out its powers and duties; Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC), §341.031, which requires drinking water supplies to meet standards established by the commission; and THSC, §341.0315, which requires public drinking water systems to comply with commission standards established to ensure the supply of safe drinking water.
The rulemaking adoption implements legislation enacted by the 88th Texas Legislature in 2023: TWC, §13.4132 in House Bill (HB) 1500 and TWC, §13.1395(a)(1) in HB 4559.
The agency certifies that legal counsel has reviewed the adoption and found it to be a valid exercise of the agency's legal authority.
Filed with the Office of the Secretary of State on December 20, 2024.
Charmaine Backens
Deputy Director, Environmental Law Division
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Effective date: January 9, 2025
Proposal publication date: August 16, 2024
For further information, please call: (512) 239-2678
Statutory Authority
The rulemaking is adopted under Texas Water Code (TWC) §5.013, which establishes the general jurisdiction of the commission; TWC §5.102, which establishes the commission's general authority to perform any act necessary to carry out its jurisdiction; TWC §5.103 and TWC §5.105, which establish the commission's authority to adopt any rules necessary to carry out its powers and duties; Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC) §341.031, which requires drinking water supplies to meet standards established by the commission; and THSC §341.0315, which requires public drinking water systems to comply with commission standards established to ensure the supply of safe drinking water.
The rulemaking adoption implements legislation enacted by the 88th Texas Legislature in 2023: TWC §13.4132 in House Bill (HB) 1500 and TWC §13.1395(a)(1) in HB 4559.
The agency certifies that legal counsel has reviewed the adoption and found it to be a valid exercise of the agency's legal authority.
Filed with the Office of the Secretary of State on December 20, 2024.
Charmaine Backens
Deputy Director, Environmental Law Division
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Effective date: January 9, 2025
Proposal publication date: August 16, 2024
For further information, please call: (512) 239-2678
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ, agency, or commission) adopts amendments to §331.11 and §331.132.
Amended §331.11 and §331.132 are adopted without changes to the proposed text as published in the August 2, 2024, issue of the Texas Register (49 TexReg 5746) and, therefore, will not be republished.
Background and Summary of the Factual Basis for the Adopted Rules
This rulemaking adoption implements Senate Bill (SB) 786 and SB 1186, 88th Texas Legislature, 2023, addressing agency jurisdiction over regulation of closed-loop geothermal injection wells and agency jurisdiction over brine mining injection wells in Texas. SB 786 confers the Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC) with jurisdiction over the regulation of closed-loop geothermal injection wells. SB 1186 confers the RRC with jurisdiction over the regulation of brine mining and the injection wells used for brine mining.
This rulemaking adoption implements SB 786 by amending the commission’s underground injection control rules to remove requirements for the regulation of closed-loop geothermal injection wells. Prior to the enactment of SB 786, the commission’s underground injection control rules included geothermal closed-loop injection wells as a type of Class V injection well under the jurisdiction of the commission. SB 786 provides that all commission functions and activities that relate to the regulation of closed-loop geothermal injection wells are transferred to the RRC. The RRC plans to implement SB 786 through adoption of their own rules relating to Class V closed-loop geothermal injection wells.
The rulemaking adoption implements SB 1186 by amending the commission’s underground injection control rules to acknowledge that the RRC has jurisdiction over the regulation of Class V injection wells used for brine mining. SB 1186 defines "brine mining" as the "production of brine, including naturally occurring brine and brine extracted by the solution of a subsurface salt formation, for the purpose of extracting from a subsurface formation elements, salts, or other useful substances...." SB 1186 defines a "Class V brine injection well" as a "well that injects spent, naturally occurring brine produced by a brine mining operation into the same formation from which it was withdrawn after extraction of elements, salts or other useful substances, including halogens or halogens salts."
Section by Section Discussion
The commission adopts amendment of 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §331.11 by removing subsection (a)(4)(B), which states "closed loop injection wells which are closed system geothermal wells used to circulate fluids including water, water with additives, or other fluids or gases through the earth as a heat source or heat sink;" and re-lettering the remainder of the paragraph. The adopted amendment to remove §331.11(a)(4)(B) implements Texas Water Code (TWC), §27.037 as established in SB 786 by removing the inclusion of closed-loop geothermal injection wells as a type of Class V injection well for which the commission has jurisdiction.
The commission adopts amendment of 30 TAC §331.11(b) to implement SB 786 and SB 1186 and provisions of TWC, Chapter 27. The commission adopts amendment of §331.11(b) to identify certain types of injection wells for which the RRC has jurisdiction to regulate. Under TWC §27.011, the commission has jurisdiction over the regulation of injection wells unless the activity is subject to the jurisdiction of the RRC. The commission has jurisdiction over the Class III injection wells classified in 30 TAC §331.11(a)(2) and the Class V injection wells classified in TAC §331.11(a)(4). The RRC has jurisdiction to regulate Class II injection wells under TWC, §27.031 and §27.0511. The RRC has jurisdiction over Class III and Class V injection wells used for brine mining as established in TWC, §27.036 and SB 1186. The RRC has jurisdiction over injection wells used for in situ recovery of tar sands as established in TWC, §27.035. The RRC has jurisdiction over injection wells used for the exploration, development or production of geothermal energy, including closed-loop geothermal injection wells as established in Texas Natural Resources Code Chapter 141, TWC, §27.037, and SB 786. The RRC has jurisdiction over the injection and geologic storage of carbon dioxide as established in TWC, §27.041.
The commission adopts amendment of 30 TAC §331.132(d)(3) by correcting a typographical error, changing "...close loop..." to "...closed loop...." References to closed-loop injection wells in §331.132 will apply to other types of closed-loop injection systems but not closed-loop geothermal injection wells regulated by the RRC.
Final Regulatory Impact Analysis
The commission reviewed the rulemaking action in light of the regulatory analysis requirements of Texas Government Code (TGC), §2001.0225, and determined that the action is not subject to TGC, §2001.0225 because it does not meet the definition of a "Major environmental rule" as defined in that statute. A "major environmental rule" is a rule the specific intent of which is to protect the environment or reduce risks to human health from environmental exposure, and that may adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, or the public health and safety of the state or a sector of the state. The adopted amendments implement state legislation that confers RRC with jurisdiction over certain types of injection wells and activities. The adopted rules remove commission requirements for the regulation of closed-loop geothermal injection wells and recognize the RRC as the regulatory agency for the regulation of closed-loop geothermal injection wells and Class V brine mining injection wells. The adopted rules are not specifically intended to protect the environment or reduce risks to human health from environmental exposure, nor does it affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, or the public health and safety of the state or a sector of the state.
As defined in the TGC, §2001.0225 only applies to a major environmental rule, the result of which is to: exceed a standard set by federal law, unless the rule is specifically required by state law; exceed an express requirement of state law, unless the rule is specifically required by federal law; exceed a requirement of a delegation agreement or contract between the state and an agency or representative of the federal government to implement a state and federal program; or adopt a rule solely under the general authority of the commission. The adopted amendments do not exceed a standard set by federal law. The adopted amendments do not exceed an express requirement of state law or a requirement of a delegation agreement. These rules were not developed solely under the general powers of the agency but are authorized by specific sections of the Texas Water Code that are cited in the statutory authority section of this preamble. Therefore, this rulemaking is not subject to the regulatory analysis provisions of TGC, §2001.0225(b).
The commission invited public comment regarding the Draft Regulatory Impact Analysis Determination during the public comment period. No comments were received regarding the regulatory impact analysis determination.
Takings Impact Assessment
The commission evaluated the rulemaking and performed an analysis of whether the adopted rules constitute a taking under TGC, Chapter 2007. The specific purpose of the adopted amendments to Chapter 331 is to remove requirements for closed-loop geothermal injection wells in commission rule and recognize RRC jurisdiction over certain injection well activities. The adopted rulemaking substantially advances these stated purposes by implementing rules that reflect agency jurisdiction over injection wells as reflected in Texas statutes.
The commission's analysis indicates that the adopted rules will be neither a statutory nor a constitutional taking of private real property. Specifically, the amended rules do not affect a landowner's rights in real property because the adopted rulemaking does not burden (constitutionally); nor restrict or limit the owner's right to property and reduce its value by 25% or more beyond that which would otherwise exist in the absence of the regulations. The adopted amendments in Chapter 331 do not impose requirements on the owners of real property. The adopted amendments in Chapter 331 do not affect private real property in a manner that restricts or limits an owner's right to the property that will otherwise exist in the absence of the rulemaking. The adopted rulemaking will assist the public by implementing rules that are consistent with the Legislature’s designation of agency responsibility for the regulation of injection wells in Texas.
Consistency with the Coastal Management Program
The commission reviewed the adopted rules and found they are neither identified in Coastal Coordination Act Implementation Rules, 31 TAC §29.11(b)(2) or (4), nor will they affect any action/authorization identified in Coastal Coordination Act Implementation Rules, 31 TAC §29.11(a)(6). Therefore, the adopted rules are not subject to the Texas Coastal Management Program.
The commission invited public comment regarding the consistency with the coastal management program during the public comment period. No comments were received regarding the CMP.
Public Comment
The commission offered a public hearing on August 29, 2024. The comment period closed on September 3, 2024. The commission received comments from Michael Mecke.
Response to Comment
Michael Mecke commented that the rules could have major effects on groundwater and should be addressed by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB). Michael Mecke commented that water issues should be addressed by water agencies, such as the TWDB, and not mixed in with oil and gas regulations and issues.
The adopted rules reflect the Texas Legislature’s designation of agency responsibility for the regulation of injection wells. Under the Injection Well Act, only the commission and the RRC are conferred jurisdiction over the regulation of injection wells. The TWDB does not have jurisdiction over the regulation of injection wells. The adopted rules implement SB 786 and SB 1186 by recognizing RRC jurisdiction over closed-loop geothermal injection wells and injection wells used for brine mining. No changes were made in response to the comment.
Statutory Authority
The amendments are adopted under Texas Water Code (TWC), Chapter 5, §5.013, which establishes the general jurisdiction of the commission; §5.102, which provides the commission with the authority to carry out its duties and general powers under its jurisdictional authority as provided by TWC; §5.103, which requires the commission to adopt any rule necessary to carry out its powers and duties under the TWC and other laws of the state; and §27.019, which authorizes the commission to adopt rules for the performance of its powers, duties, and functions under the Injection Well Act.
The adopted rules implement Senate Bill (SB) 786 and SB 1186, 88th Texas Legislature, 2023; TWC, §§27.011; 27.031; 27.035; 27.036; 27.037; 27.041; and 27.0511.
The agency certifies that legal counsel has reviewed the adoption and found it to be a valid exercise of the agency's legal authority.
Filed with the Office of the Secretary of State on December 20, 2024.
Charmaine K. Backens
Deputy Director, Environmental Law Division
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Effective date: January 9, 2025
Proposal publication date: August 2, 2024
For further information, please call: (512) 239-2678
Statutory Authority
The amendments are adopted under Texas Water Code (TWC), Chapter 5, §5.013, which establishes the general jurisdiction of the commission; §5.102, which provides the commission with the authority to carry out its duties and general powers under its jurisdictional authority as provided by TWC; §5.103, which requires the commission to adopt any rule necessary to carry out its powers and duties under the TWC and other laws of the state; and §27.019, which authorizes the commission to adopt rules for the performance of its powers, duties, and functions under the Injection Well Act.
The adopted rules implement Senate Bill (SB) 786 and SB 1186, 88th Texas Legislature, 2023; and TWC, §§27.011, 27.031, 27.035, 27.036, 27.037, 27.041, and 27.0511.
The agency certifies that legal counsel has reviewed the adoption and found it to be a valid exercise of the agency's legal authority.
Filed with the Office of the Secretary of State on December 20, 2024.
Charmaine K. Backens
Deputy Director, Environmental Law Division
Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Effective date: January 9, 2025
Proposal publication date: August 2, 2024
For further information, please call: (512) 239-2678